MLAK order form for South Australian Companion Card holders

The Government of South Australia and the South Australian Companion Card are partnering with the Master Locksmiths Association of Australasia (MLAA) to provide one free Master Locksmith Access Key (MLAK) to Companion Card holders in order to increase access to Changing Places facilities.

Changing Places toilets are secure and private facilities for people with disability who have high support needs and require additional space and assistance to use a bathroom. Changing Places include an adult-size, height adjustable change table, a ceiling tracking hoist, and enough room for two people to assist either side of a central toilet. Changes Places are accessed using an MLAK key.

Each South Australian Companion Card holder is entitled to one free MLAK key. MLAA acknowledges the support of the South Australian Government in this initiative.

Your Companion Card number, for example: S012345678901/01.
Cardholder's name(Required)
Guardian/carer's name (if applicable)

Privacy statement

In accordance with South Australian Government Information Privacy Principles, information contained in this application form is used to assess eligibility for the Companion Card.
Your personal information and health information may be disclosed to the third party health professionals and service providers listed in your application for verification and assessment purposes. It may also be provided to third parties for data processing, card manufacture and issue of Master Locksmith Access Keys (MLAKs).
The information you provide in this application form will not be shared, used or disclosed to anyone who is not involved in the administration or implementation of the Companion Card program or MLAKs.
For more information about the Information Privacy Principles, visit or phone 1800 667 110 for a full copy.
A request for information held by the South Australian Companion Card program can be made under the Freedom of Information Act (1991).