MLAK and National Toilet App Blog Conticence Foundation

Unlock your holiday `pit stops`


Accommodation – check! Itinerary – check! If you’re travelling these holidays, don’t forget to add checking ahead for toilet ‘pitstops’ along your route.

The National Public Toilet Map website and app provide a comprehensive database of over 19,000 publicly available toilets across Australia. This convenient resource allows travellers to effortlessly locate nearby toilets and changing facilities, ensuring a hassle-free journey with personalised restroom breaks.

Moreover, the app and website incorporate user-friendly search functionality with customisable filters. These filters enable users to sort results based on specific features, such as accessibility, showers, and facilities equipped with Master Locksmiths Key Access (MLAK).

With the National Public Toilet Map, finding the perfect restroom facilities has never been easier, no matter your location or travel plans.

The MLAK – Master Locksmiths Access Key

It isn’t quite a key to the city, but a MLAK Key allows the holder 24-hour access across council public toilets, railway stations and parks. This means an end to those frustrating moments of finding a public toilet—only to realise it’s locked and is sitting there unusable. Those living with a disability or a bladder or bowel condition are eligible for their own MLAK key. Order forms are available from the Master Locksmiths Association or in the resources section of the Continence Foundation of Australia website. Have the form approved by a professional member of the Continence Foundation of Australia, a disability organisation or an owner/management of an MLAK enabled facility, and return it to the Master Locksmiths Association’s National Support Office. You can also buy an MLAK from your local Master Locksmiths, please use the search function on this page to find your nearest Locksmiths.

While incontinence is rarely spoken about, it’s one of the most prevalent health issues amongst Australians. It affects over five million Aussies but no one should have to put up with it. The first step is to seek help and the great news is the majority of cases can be better managed, treated or even cured. The National Continence Helpline on 1800 33 00 66 is just a free call away and offers confidential advice and information.

The National Public Toilet Map is updated by local governments who maintain public toilets. The Continence Foundation of Australia is the national peak body for continence awareness, management, education and advocacy and operates the free National Continence Helpline 1800 33 00 66.

(This information was provided by Continence Foundation Australia.)