Covid 19 Announcement Masters Locksmith

COVID-19 Announcement

The Master Locksmiths Association of Australasia Ltd (MLAA) continues to closely monitor the situation with COVID-19 Coronavirus. 

Our members are following the advice made available by the World Health Organization, the Australian and New Zealand Governments, and their agencies.

Our members are pro-actively taking steps to minimise the risk of their staff and clients to being exposed to the COVID-19 Coronavirus. These steps focus on hygiene and social distancing and include the following practices:

  • Limiting supplier and industry representative visits to their workshop unless absolutely necessary, and not without contacting them prior to calling.
  • The provision of hand sanitiser dispensers and disposable gloves in the workshop, the offices, the trade counter, the service vehicles, and other company vehicles.
  • Upgraded daily cleaning & sanitising processes for the office, workshop and all vehicles.

The situation with COVID-19 Coronavirus continues to change rapidly. The MLAA will continue to monitor and to rely on the advice provided by the World Health Organization, the Australian and New Zealand Governments, and their agencies. This advice will be immediately passed on to our members.

Locksmithing services are considered “essential services” and our members will continue to service their clients. Members have contingency plans in place that allow them to service their clients in the event of reduced staffing numbers, as well as a partial or full shutdown. These plans include engaging other accredited Master

Locksmiths within the MLAA Network of security professionals, allowing service technicians to work from their vehicles without needing to call into base, and allowing backend staff to work remotely where possible.

As the situation with COVID-19 Coronavirus continues to change rapidly, the MLAA will continue to monitor the situation, to ensure the health and safety of our members and clients.